In The Headphones: Brueder Selke & Midori Hirano, Whitney Johnson & Lia Kohl, RSN, slow_the_tape, Devin Maxwell
With a mostly ambient focus, music from Brueder Selke & Midori Hirano, Whitney Johnson & Lia Kohl, RSN, slow_the_tape, Devin Maxwell is highlighted.

Sorting Through Browser Tabs: Bandcamp Edition — July Entries
This playlist was built from a Bandcamp rabbit hole. Enjoy.

Notes From The Record Room: Halfway To The Finish Line (or, How’s 2024 Looking?)
We’re halfway through 2024. As I continue to enjoy what’s turning out to be a good year for music, here’s my current assortment of favorite albums for the year.

Songs Vol. 4/1 - 4/5 — Steph Richards, NAIMA, John Escreet, O ZORN!, Oh Hiroshima, UFOMAMMUT, SUMAC
Week 1 of April: Catching up on some overdue listening. Check out new tracks from Steph Richards, NAIMA, John Escreet, O ZORN!, Oh Hiroshima, UFOMAMMUT, and SUMAC.

Sorting Through Browser Tabs: Playlist for March 2024
March’s playlist is ready to review and reject.

Sorting Through Browser Tabs: Playlist for January 2024
January’s playlist is ready to review and reject.

Songs Vol. 1/15 - 1/19 — VR Sex, Trash Fiasco, Lime Garden, Tomato Flower, The Body & Dis Fig
Heard a few singles this week: VR Sex, Trash Fiasco, Lime Garden, Tomato Flower, and The Body & Dis Fig.

This Week’s Listening: RITUAL/HABIT/CEREMONY, Mint Field, BLACK TO COMM, Off World, SLIFT, Tashi Dorji
I had a few thoughts on the new album by RITUAL/HABIT/CEREMONY and some tracks by Mint Field, BLACK TO COMM, Off World, SLIFT, and Tashi Dorji.

Current Listening: Sam Prekop / John McEntire / The Soft Pink Truth, Matmos
Matmos and Matmos-adjacent projects spotlighted: A Yellow Robe Remixes by Sam Prekop / John McEntire and The Soft Pink Truth and new singles from Matmos’s upcoming LP, Return To Archive.